Saturday, January 14, 2006

Catch Report - 14 Jan 2006

This is Frank with his grunter.

This is Francis with his queen fish.

The catch

Boatman: Zainal
Area: Tekong and Ubin

I bought a Shimano Cardiff 300A and matched it with a Berkley rod this morning and used it for the trip. I caught the most fishes today. I'm very happy with the set.

Guys you call download the original picture here.

tag: catch report


Anonymous said...

Henry, This is fast! good work.

Anonymous said...

the stupid flickr is not free, free user cannot upload original size photo.


Henry Koh said...

you can upload original but there is a bandwith limit for freer. good things are usually not free lah. i have used it and it is the best i have come across so far. i think it is worth the money lah - it has great list of features, you can form groups and it is intuitive and easy to navigate.